Perfect. Really? Well, more on that later... it's not what it seems.
I live by the radical, yet simple, view of not carrying regret and guilt, and not apologizing for who I am.
- I have chosen my own unique blend of ultra progressive and ultra traditional.
- I parent based on my gut. I follow my mommy-intuition.
- I am not ashamed, embarrassed, or closed off about my son's special needs - my child is both Gifted and on the Autism spectrum, he has Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD.
- I left the Catholic church and became a Buddhist.
- I am a staunch feminist who chooses to bake homemade cupcakes and learn how to sew.
- I don't like the establishment - in any arena - especially medicine and politics.
- I rarely read fiction and don't like the movies.
- I can choreograph ballet to nearly any type of music.
- I have no patience for poseurs.
- I am learning, every day, to turn towards love. To trust in my inherent buddha-nature, and cultivate bodhichitta each day.